running direct from this spot to the
river, turned here to the westward and
south again at the foot of the hill, so
as to include the house of the Domini¬
can Friars, whose popular name still
lingers round their old precinct. ‘The
whole aspect of this region has been
ereatly changed of late years, the
Thames Embankment having left the
streets high and dry which were once
on the banks. Water Lane 1s far in¬
deed from the water's edge.
Looking back along the Embank¬
; as 6. sem ree is
5 it ut pie hike
: ne ated i
— ——
“a pieces
ment we see two fine build¬
City of London School,
designed by Messrs. Davis
and Emanuel, and built
by Messrs. John Mowlem
and Co.; and Sion Col¬
lege, removed from London
Wall, designed in a hand¬
some and suitable Perpen¬
dicular style ín red brick
with stone dressings, by
Sir Arthur Blomfield, A.R.A,,