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The Fleet could not at the highest tide surmount the ridge, the
southern end of which is still marked by the Roman bath in a lane
off the Strand.
When we have passed the Temple and admired a fine gateway
designed by Wren, and an odd-looking old house, said to have been
tenanted at one time by Cardinal Wolsey and later by Lintot, the book¬
seller, we reach the precinct of the Whitefriars. We have left the
lawyers behind and have come to the realm of the newspapers. Some
of the new offices are very handsome, especially that of the Dazly
wey elegraph, which was designed by Mr. Arding, and that of the
Sportsman, by Mr. A. gs oes
a jár, OS SZE aaa

E. Browne. The offices fait alte ZAN in Lt MESE mee. a

of the Standard are not a Sead "ed
far off, and extend into
St. Bride’s Street, those
of the Dazly News
being on the south
side of Fleet Street,

The north side of
Fleet Street is associ¬

ated with some interest¬

= HE e" + 4 s. ew

ing literary names. In
Gough Square there is
_ a house marked with a
‘ tablet as having been
the residence of Dr.
Johnson. Here he fin¬
ished his Dz¢ctionary.

Mm He also lived in John¬
