OCR Output


exquisitely proportioned. [his is by a master whose works are un¬
fortunately much too rare, Mr. Norman Shaw, and is well worthy of his
reputation. The banking-house of Messrs. Dimsdale and Fowler, in
Cornhill, is plain but not unpleasing. Messrs. King’s, No. 65, has been
rebuilt since Thackeray wrote his famous Roundabout Papers while
looking out on St. Peters Church. Of the style of the new house the
less we say the better. It is one of the wonders of modern life that
if an architect has to design a building which is to stand near one of
the masterpieces of a former age he endeavours to show how far he can
go in the opposite direction. ‘The new buildings in Whitehall dwarf
and overtop the chapel of Inigo Jones. ‘The Aquarium stands opposite
Westminster Abbey. The new Mercers’ Hall is near the Mansion
House. The offices of the Bible Society are between St. Andrew’s

and St. Bennet’s. Comment is needless.

