worth while to remark here that the old Roman gate of Lincoln
is, for some similar reason, no doubt, at present known as the
Ludgate and Newgate were prisons, the first for citizens only.
The Newgate was built just about the time that Henry I gave
Middlesex to the citizens, and it was at once appropriated for the
use of offenders from that county. There are many complaints in
early records as to its inconvenience. So far back as 1419 reference
is made to it as "the
heynouse gaol of
Newgate.” Ludgate
had meanwhile also
become " heynouse,”
so much so indeed
that it was abolished
as a prison, and city
prisoners were sent to
Newgate. People are,
proverbially, never
content, and among
other complaints we
read that " many citi¬
zens’ and other “ re¬
putable persons " died
after committal to
Newgate, “who might
have been living, it is
said, if they had re¬