OCR Output


very recent occasion, in the Local Government Act, no more appropriate 4
title could be found for the chiefs of the new board than that of ©
aldermen. .

There is another point worthy of notice in London municipal —
history, namely, the prominent part which the rulers of the city have
taken in controlling the policy and even the fortunes of the whole j
country. London has been the real king-maker of England; and ‘
TE r at the present day it.
BS as hae ig ay ga cannot be denied that.
E RE ae mae the favour of London
is necessary to the ex-_
istence of a ministry.

The outward, visi- .
ble head of the city
government is the
Lord Mayor. He res
sides in the Mansion .
House. His election —
takes place on Michael- Í
mas Day every year at
the Guildhall, when he I
is chosen by the Livery —
from among the alder¬
men. He has under
him two Sheriffs, like.
himself changed every —
year; and the practi-—
cally permanent offi¬

cials of the Guildhall —
are the Chamberlain,