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‘assize of Henry Fitz Ailwin,” the
first mayor, points out that “in ancient
times the greater part of the city was
built of wood, and the houses were
covered with straw and stubble and
the like.”
thing of the past, there must still in
the thirteenth century have been much
of this kind of building, with a corre¬
sponding amount of squalor and misery.
But stone, at first only for chimneys,
and afterwards for whole houses, was
gradually coming in, and tiles for roof¬
ing followed soon, though brick walls
were rare for a long time later. Natur¬
ally, the people went about in winter
people of position wore
hats or caps, or pieces
of handsome stuff or
needlework, wrapped
round their heads. Cord¬
wainers and glovers and
hosiers are mentioned
very early, and many
illuminated manuscripts
exist from which we
may gather materials for
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