OCR Output

XeAceIe vecember 329.

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that the Kremlin is perfectly aware of the rolish interior situation
and is directing every move in its political picture. “or moscow
indeed, Poland plays a very special role among the suropean satellites
Une of our observers reports about a most revealing discussion he |
recently had with a Folish active diplomat on the topic. “he latter
emphagigzed she importance of roland for bBurope's »astern integratione
It is indeed the geographical and logical link between Russia and
Germany; it is the spiritual link between the Russian Byzantine
ideology and the Western thinking of Catholic Slovakia and of Hungary.
this is the reason why Poland is of utter importance for the Soviet |
wurld. It is the reason why Foland has to present a 3R#XEE complete |
ideological unity, of a popular-supported "free" regime, that, entirel)
communistic in its structure, would still appeal to those Luropeans 1
who Live West and South of its borders. |
Reports from two of our German observers bring, interesting]
enough, a proof to the aboyve theorye From the West-German Ruhr
area, the story comes of a very strong, underground propaganda carried
out among the 50.000 miners and their families who are of Polish
descent. Secret agents are going back and forth: from Warsaw to
Eastern Germany and, via Berlin to the Ruhr centers, especially Bochum
Propaganda trazk pamphlets and books are brought in, local committees
are created, women's and children's clubs are founded, unions are
set up for the mainteance of Pokish culture and Polish folk songse
Under all these pretenses, the most intensive communistic propaganda
is carried out: Polish patriotism and Polish culture are identified
with the present Warshaw regime. Thus a strong and unified nucleus
is formed in the vital Ruhr Basin. It is a faithful machine Ska
to be used as one means of penetrating Western Germany ard of working
and spying in one of its most important areas.
“he other report on Polish-German planning comes from Lkastern Germany.
Our observer is impress. d about the huge effort made in the German |
Democratic Republic to foster friendBhip with Poland. While in
Western Germany the annexation of the territories East of the Uder- |
Neisse rivers has created the most violent reaction, East Germans |
go out of their way to explain the moves Not only has the Pankow
government accepted the Polish decision, but all over the territory,
German-Pobish friendship groups are being organized. An intensive
propaganda campaign repeats to the Eastern German public that the
cessation of the Eastern provinces has been the decisive gesture, that
far from separating Poland from Germany, has on the contrary eliminate
once for all any previous misgivirgs.
This friendship campaign - according to our observer - is not limited
only to feelings and propaganda. It has ales a very practical side: ~
the bringing together of the economies in both eountries. Huge
water-way projects are under construction in Foland - involving
specifically the Bug, the Vistula and the Oder rivers - and linking
these with the German water system. A similar plan has been establish
for the auto-routes. In the next three years, Foland is to build
an important net of autostradas. ‘here will be three main routes,
crossing the country in its most vital parts and joining directly
