OCR Output

XeA.8. December 52.

- page three ¬

This observer doubts whether this is the result of able organization.
There propably is no such organization, but something much more
formidable: a popular community, without leaders, but with such a
Solidarity of feeling, that there are no m-ans of breaking it downe
There is not parallel to this situation anywhere behind the Iron
Curtain. But our observers have seen such overwhelming testimony of
power that they are deeply impressed. The silhouette of the Archangel
St,Michael, the patron saint of the Iron Guard, can be seen crudely
chalked on the walls of the cities of Rumania, practically every
Mornings Since the summer nevertheless, the Soviet authorities have
been d manding of the Siguranza to end the Iron Guard once and for all.
Since organization could not be discovered, wholesale arrests and raids
n litterally tens of thousands of suspects have been carricd out.
. he results nevertheless of these raids have benn economically deplorable
for the regime. Many tens of thousands of potential producers have been
taken from their place 07 work and so far at least, there has been
very little evidence of a decrease of lron Guard feclinge it is hence
not unlikely that thess attempts will gredually be liquidated.

“nother grave opposition movement has been developing among
the remaining Germans in Transsylvaniae Its name is "Deutsche “inheit",
German Unity. It is mainly powerful in rural areas, whether it has
connections with the Iron Guard or not could not be ascertaind. its
characteristics, by the way, are rather similar to these of the iron
Guard. it is not as mystic as the Rumanian movement; it is not fascist.
But it also is more a community of Opipnion and aspirations, than a true
organizations the result is, that here too the Siguranza is unable to
get. at the leaders, for the very simple reason that prepbably there are
nones On the other hand, it is typical for the doctrinaire communist
approach of the Russian, that they simply cannot conceive of such
Spontaneous populat movements, +his 4¢ contrary to their doctrine and
hence does not cxist. They therefore demand of the Siguranga to
deliver the leaders, which the siguranza c nnot doe The result is
that the harcied Siguranza leaders Simply from time to. time frame some
farmers as leaders of the underground and exeeute them; reporting there¬
after to the hus ians that they have liquidated the op oSitione but as
these moves do not man an end 6b thé opposition, tre uistrust of the
nus ians against Siguranza is rising anu might leaa to unexpected
political developmentse

in the military ficld, we have alrcagy reported more than
once about the Rumanian army. ihere is not much to be adued to
previous dispatches. vats there is one fact which, though it may be
only a move in th» cold war, nevertheless merits the attent on of the
obServerse une is that the anti-agreraft defenses are now pushed in
hKumania at the speek which one might easily call hystericale in all
major towns, air raid shelters are under construction. Many of them
are built by forced labor, or by the*®voluntary" work of factory ¬
-workerse Another fact worth noting is the ever-increasing presence of
foreign forces on Tumanian soil. there are Czechsslovak, Sulagarian
and Hungarian troops at present in Rumania. The Hungarians are mostly
