OCR Output

KeheSe For December 528.

— page two e ; |

cities in order to sell agricultural products to the urban popula»
tione ‘The avowed reason for doing so was, that rural selling and
trade cooperatives had utterly failed in fulfilling their duties.
The fault - according to officiel statements - lies with the nenberat
of these agricukivral cooperatives, who are "lacking social control
and democratic spirit". This is another forceful. werning for rural
In the mountain ereas along Bulgeria's Western and Sothern
border, agents and groups of a special police brigade have been seen
in action srk since the middle of the eurmer, They receive
special instrvetion and training in a eehool set up by the Ministry
of the Interior, They have cemps and centers of their own and
operate under direct instruction of the Ministry. Their assignment
seems to be the supervision of more isolated rur:1 areas and of the
whole frontier regions8. Their presence ard increasing activity
alone proves that there is unrest in the open land and that some
kind of fovermmental counteraction is preparing.
Under pretense of "reactionary spirit", certain leading members have
recently been purged from the Agrarian Union. This once vowerful
political party, had accented stelinism and had become a wekk |
satellite of the Communist Party. It seems that at present its entire
liquidation is preparing and with it, even the appearance of an |
independent agrarian orgenizations |

Our informant feels that these, and many other similar
incidents, point towards the fact that more and bloody repressions
are preparing in Bulgerias now they hit the Catholic Church3; soon
they might lead to a large-scale terrorization of the rural

According to the opinion of our informant, this conclusion might

not be without conrection to rumors increasingly cireulating in
Sofia, There seems to be strong indication that Bulgariats Premier
Chervenkoff does not enjoy any more full Moscow confidence. He might
try to regain Stelin's approval, by showing an overzealous defense
of communism. In other terms, he might want to start another terror
wave, in order to prow thet not he, but others have been faulty.

Another indication of increasing absorption by Soviet
Russia is the change that hes oecrvred in the vast year on Bulgaria's
book market. Only books of Russian of communist authors are
published or apnear in libraries: even if such publications are
purely seientifie or technical, The number of books that are no
more translated, but are edited directly in Russian language, has bet
striking in the last few months, The reason given officially is tha‘
the majority of Bulgars has acquired enough knowledge of Russian,
so that they can read, with profit, the work of Russian authors in
their original text,

Strateric preparations.

The vital strategie importance of Bulgaria for the Suviet
military planning, nas been pointed out in previous dispatches.
It should not be overltoked indeed that Buigaria is the arm of the
