OCR Output

XeA.5e December 528

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A carefully planred action is going on, since last June,
inview of eliminating entirely the whole clergy, fecviler and. regulare —
Reliciovs communities have been dissolved by the Hungarian authopities 3
their members are exiled from their corvents end either interned or
dispersed throughout the country. A regulation forbids them to take
on any parish works
One after the other, 211 the seminaries for the formation of young
priests are being closed and nationalized. Some of them have been
taken over by the Hungarien Office of Church Affairs. They are to be
vsed as training centers for young cormvnists to be formed in "pastoral
work", Once their "etnülest comleted - the first group will be
turned ovt in 1953 - they will be entrusted with the administration of —
parishes that are now left without priests.
Another repressive measure has been the dratting of 1.590 priests for
military duty. The official reason given for this decree ig the regime
‘need for additional manpower in order to “defend peace". the true
aim of course is to prevent these Catholic priests to fulfill their
ecclesiastical ministry. :


Bávoation and the cultural problems

Among the innumeredle reports reccived from Hungary, a few
facts can be retained, which thew a vivid Licht on the intellectual
and cultural subjugation imposed on Hungary along Sovict patterns.

There are but very few among leading Hungarians left that ha
not come directly from the Moscow schools put are the remgnants of one
of the extreme leftist grovns that in 1945 jointd enthusiastically the .
communist camp, Minister of Agriculture Erdei and Minister of Public
Instruetion Joseph Darvas are among the few remaining representataves
of such a group, the National Peasant Partye Today they have to overe
emphasize the communistie line if they want to escape a constantly |
threatening purgee This explains Wr,Darvas! state of mind, when he mm
works full sveed for the total application of the new Soviet pedagogye
Early in September then, Mr.Darvas delivered a spsech to the top
administration of the Hungarian Education Department. He spoke about t1
aim toPgehieved in the new school years Aceording to him, the main
goal to be reached in edneational work among youth was to implant the
true patriotiam, the international vroletarian solidarity and the uns
comporomising hatted towards the enenye As enemies, ireDarvas, mentiol
the imperialists, the right-wing socialists and the clerical reactions
School directors and téachers mee? responsible to lead such ruthless
ficht agsint amy of these enemy forest, whereever they appear: be it
among the teaching staff or in the youth. The political education will
thus be the first objective of the forthcoming school yeareece

foorktame One of ovr informents gives most interesting details
about a new higher echool having been opened in Budapest in September.
It is the tmiversity of Marxist Selhences, set up direetly under the —
leadership of the Ministry of Education. This school is to form the
future Party propagandists and hop employees. Its foundation was
decided upon at the Tune meeting of the Party Central Committee. Aurin
that highly confidential reunion, the top people of the Party, especia
ly those repponsible for its ideology, made a very thoroveh selfs ¬