OCR Output

XeAe4e December 52s
- page three ¬

At the present stage, the work in the Hortobagy includes especially:
construction of irrigation and draining channels and of roads; soil
improvement with chemical fertilizers; building of experimental
centers etc. Eventually - with the completion of the Tisza river
project - not only the Hortobagy, but a total between 100 ‘and 150.000
hectars of steppe will become rich agricultural land. “ice, cotton
and grains will be cultivated in large units. Vegetable and cattle
farms will operate on a highly intensive, almost experimental basis.

—_— tm —

Romania and Bulgaria

‘hese two Balkan countries have their main waterway, the
Danube, in commom.e This river has such undeniable economic and
strategic importance that it is easy to understand what role it plays .
in Soviet “uropean planming. From Austria downwards indeed, the Danube
can be used for larger boats. Through all this sector it drains a
vital area: Eastern Austria (with its important petfol wells, now
under Russian control), “lovakia (with its main inland port of
Bratislava), all of Hungary, then - with an interruption of Yugoslav
territory - both “omania and Bulgaria. Having reached the Black Sea,
this important waterway opens on the Dnjepr istuary, the Crimea, the
Sea of Azow and the Don Basin. | |
Projects started in . omania, in connection with water |
regulation and constmuction, have been discussed in previous dispatches.
Started already a while ago, they are the huge Danube-Baack Sea channel
now under construction and the fertilization of the Baragan steppe.

Bulgarian projects too are centered mostly on the Danube.
One of its affluents, the Isker 8 regulated by the new Stalin dam ¬
will form an important artificial lake. its water will primarily serve
for the alimentation of three important hydro-electric plants. .
“nother similar project is under c nstruction in the Danube valley
proper. Finally, the Marica river is also used: an already existing
hydro-electric installation at Dimitrovgrad will be greatly developed
in the very near future. these hydro-electric projects have priority
in Bulgarian economic planning. According to Sofia experts they are
the basis, without which neither industrialization of the country, nor
the reorganization of its agriculttre are thinkable. With the striking
interest shown by Moscow in Bulgarian developments, these public work
projects too are advancing under high pressuree Most modern machines
and equipment, as well as a staff of experts have been sent from the

Poland and Czecho-Slewakia.

“oth in Poland and Czecho-Slovakia, a system of channels
and water regulations are planned; some of them already in full
construction. hey too have to fulfill a threefold purpose: agricultura
hydro-electric’ and shipping goals.

In Poland, the main emphasis is placed on the shipping angle

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