OCR Output

XeAe ds December 526
- page four =

Slovakia. From Kosice and its surroundings it is reported that
important groups of Chinese have arrived again during September and
Octobere As far as our observers could determine, these Chinese were
farmers, who had opposed collectivization and had been sentenced to
forced labor in Huropee. They were transported in large groups, §
through the Kazachian Republic and Russia, to the West. any of them
remained in Poland - sspacially in the mining districts. uthes were
driven on. An estimated one-thousand came to Mastern Slovakia, The
remainder continued, presumably to the Carpatho-itkraine, Hungary and i

Iranssylvaniasse These new arrivals of course only strengthened the
alrming rumors that in Eastern Slovakia - according to the Carpatho
Ukranian sample - the local population would be gradually replaced
by Asiatát families.


These reported facts and their similarity with the Carpatho ©
Ukranian tragedy point towards an obvious conclusion. The strategic A
importance of Kastern Slovakia cannot escape the attention of any
military expert. It is a vital area for Soviet Russia. /

Sooner or later therefore, the Kosice area is likely to
become part of the Soviet Union, Whenever that happens, it will be the
Sign that Hussian military preparations are strongly advancing on the 4
all-important Carpath line. It will be also the warning sign that |
Soviet Rusgia has gone an important step further in the total absorption
and domination of its European satellites.

In the meantime opposition is being crushed in Slovakia: the
strongest forces of resistance - the Church, the very traditional and 3
religious rural population, the deeply patriotic Slovak nation as such
are systematically wiped out or totally repressed by force.

As far as the future of Europe and of the whole Western Worla”
is concerned, this tragedy of 3.5 million Slovalts = if carried to the
end = will ‘Lead to the most fateful consequences.
