OCR Output

Nos3s for December 24 gal



Most alarming news have reached us Írom our Slovak observerse
From which ever part of the country they report, the conclusions
reached are the same. it is the identical and most pressing warning,
that far reaching developments are being preparejdZ under expressive
orders md direct control from Moscow.

fhe strategic position.

At several previous occasions, we have reported on the
Carpatho-Unkrainian tragedy. This small, but essential key position
on the Carpath defenses, had been secretely promised by President Benes”
to Staline, aS counterpart for Russia's help in restoring Checho=
Slovakia after the war. The pledge was fulfilled and the Carpatho— ~—
Ukraine annected by the Soviet Union. ‘ince then, t e country was
entirely re-organized: th e opposition was broken, the Church wiped
out by brutal force, eventually the population dpported in large groups
and replaced by Asiatic families; simultaneously huge straegic lines
- especially the important East-West railfoads — were constructedj
troops were concentrated in the area. 5.

It is evident however that these measures alone cannot fully _
satasfy Soviet planning. Moscow knows too well the importance of the."
Carpath mountain line. Whoever dominates this natural fortification +e
controls the plains that extend at its feet: on the one side the low=
lands of Foland, Ukrania, Moldava, Romania with the way opened to the
East; on the other side the Danube Basin opening on the West.

The Soviet Union therefore has to establish an absolute
stronghold on the entire Carpath momtain belt. “uch goal is guarantee
only to the power that controls the central key position, the knee of
the Carpaths.e. Geographically speaking however, this area goes farther
than Carpatho-Ukrania alone. It also involves the neighboring Kastern
Slovakia: the regions of Sobrance (Szobranc) and of Kosice (Kassa).

All indications received from Slovakia point towards a :
thoroughly preparfing Soviet plane Now that Moscow entirely dowitates ©
the Carpatho-Ukrania, it sees the time fit to expand its direct hold
in that vital area. 3

Such Russian move vould mean a double threat. Xíxíszy On the om
side, it would greatly strengthen the most vital basis from which
a possible armed advance towards the West could be prepared and could
start. On the other hand, it would be the strongest Soviet spearhead
menacing and controling simultameuusly all four sat@liites: Romania,
Hungary, Czecho=Slovakia and Poland. Cut off from each other and
dominated by this Russian mountain fortification, they would have lost
their last chances of ever opposing any of the wishes d&étated by Moscow

ee §.