OCR Output

tant utilization is made as oscillograms, seismograph for earthguake

and for detecting oil deposits and also as eavdiaieu,

In 1948 Haloid announced a completely new and revolutionary process
Called xerography.and started to produce equipment and supplies for

this new technique. It consist of taking an image on a she@é by "dry
photography" by the useé of electrostatic forces and of various chemicals
The picture, thus taken, can be reproduced in a matter of minutes.

Haloid has more then 10 patents to protect this process.

(SY oruDdiés Foe |
reh naW" been undertaken end new and more efficient

technical procedures and machines devetoped, especially in the military
fi clas tt is increasingly used for aerial photography. Ge

Xenographis equipment is not only employed by the National befense, but
also by other efeuiink departments, large municipalities and by private

business. Just to name a few: Consolidated Edison and Bell Telephone Co

in the Utilities; Boeing Airplane Coe, Douglas Aireraft Co, Lockheed Air- ;
craft Corps, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co in the Aircraft industry;

Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Go., Studebaker Corp, General Electric

Co. Westinghouse Electric Co, Bel. WuPont de Nemours & Co., Union Carbide &

Carbone Corp., U.S. Steel Corp., Bethlehem Steel Coe, Aluminum Co. of America,

Gulf Oil Co. the large Insurance Companies American Express Co. and many others.
Nevertheless, close to half of the production is sold to the Government. ;
ta) Ti, ComPANY 5 |
It seems that Hatotte dééé has an adequate supply of the raw material

needed at his disposal, in order to assure Staedy production. 4
As a whole the financial situation of Haloid seemes excellent and it

certainly has an progressive and efficient fanagment, as shown by the re¬

if i

sults obtained to-date. sites : a . :

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