OCR Output

XeAcl4e December 52.
— page four =

of the governm ent to shift the population had to be abandoned in
view of popular resistance. ‘he government therefore is presently
studying legislative measure, by which first of all, they would
limit the rent on lands “his would diminash the re "turn of mon y
in agriculture anc hence force some of the capital into the inuustrial|
markets The government is fu. thermore consids: ing a land reform, by
which certain lana coukd be taken from their owners and distributed

to the peasantse ooms experts believe that the right move would

be in this connection to compensate the landou.ners, by giving them
land in the non-popuiated areaS, and organizing for them a system

of cpedit, which would give them the opportunity to purchase
agricultural machinery to replace the lacking manpov re ‘his ‘pies ein’,
nevertheless is not yet in the finishing stages. *he government |
furthe more plans a larg -sc&ie educational program, in the agrigul ture
areas, because it hopes, by better educding the farm rs, to make them
understand that th ir sntersst lics in populating the unpopulated

rich areas,

-peaking of education, there is one point which is b@ing
increasingly discussed on the island. It is the fact that religion
generally has declined considerably in the Philippines since the
American protectorate was established. The reason is that the America)
‘authorities have not been favorable to religiogs education and, while
not making a fr ntal assault on it, have still done a lot to limit
its interest. It has been noted with interest, that the Huk movement
has spread in those areas, where “hurch attendance has fallen to its
lowest point. Whereever the churches were full, the Huks were
unable to gain popular followinge Under these conditions, increasing |
pressure is brougrt by numerous people on the government to ask it,
to re-introduce religious educatione Whether the movement will
succeed is hard to saye If the Nacionalistas shouls win next year,
it might have a good chance.
