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XeA-Noell. for December 1952.


With the gradual approach of the elections, the domestic
policy of Italy is more and more entering the stage of nervous
preparationse In these preparations, three facbttrs have more and
more increasing importance: the communist preparations; the crisis
in the Christian Democratic Party; the monarchist question.

As we already pointed out in a previous dispatch, the
Communist Farty, after its success in the municiapl elections, did
not what it was exp -cted to do, namely to enter into a phase of violent
agitationse In fact communists have been and conthnue to be apparently
more quiet than they ever were before. Sut under this outward
quictness, int-nse activity is hiding. Despite the tremendous efforts
of Mario Scel¥a's po ice,. tho preparation of Italisn communists in the
field of parties and groups is continuing. “here has been recently
again conclusive evidence of arm smuggling from Albania into Italy.
This is the thing which cannot be preventeue. The partisan groups
mostly recruited from the communist youth, r-ceives secret training
for civil war purposes. While at present it would be absurd to expect
a civil war in Italy, these clear-c ut preparation nevertheless should
not be overlooked. In any case, it must be clearly understood that in
ease of an international war, +talian communists, supported by Ked
paratroopers, could do enough mischief to renaer the value of the
Italian basis at least questionalbe for the free nations. it should
never be forgotten that, while the military value of Italian is often
open to question, everybody agrees that they are first-class partisans.
Hence, the danger of the communist partisan preparations. While these
preparations are under way, the communists continue another line of
policy, with ever-ingreasing success: the infiltration and organization —
of groups, officially left-wing but not communist. We have amply
reported on these matters alresdy in the paste. But it is necessary
to point out that in the last few weeks the succ ss of this policy causes
increasing concein to anti-communists. This is true to large groups
of the gso-cakled Republican Party. Outwarldy, the Republican ‘arty
Still is intact, and even represented among the supporters of the
governm nt, But inside the Party has been broadly infiltrated and can
be made to collapse if and when the communists decide. A Similar
Situation exists in the faction=torn Socialist Party. At the recent
Party Congress, the so-callea right-wing Socialists of Saragat won
over the left-wing Socialists of Romita. But this victory, despite
appearances, was not due to the opinion of the “arty members, but to
some intra-party maneuvers. The result has been that many of the Komita |
socialists have become extremely disgruntled and are no longer immune
to overtures from the Nenni group. ‘his is a dangerous situation and
one which will demand closest attention. vespite appearances, the
communists continue to progress and are thus a very real danger at
the coming general elections.
