OCR Output

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power around the possession of its tin mines, Bolivia is always
at the mercy of whoever, at a given moment, is the strongest, is
domin&timg the Sothh American situation and thus is in control of
Bolivian mines, In April, President Paz Estenssore, one of Peron's
protegees has taken over in Bolivia, It was a proof of Peron's
strengths; but the fight is far from being over. US influences still)
sia hold strong assets and possibilities, According to all |
experts and reports received, the outcome of this struggle should
be closely watched, Bolivia is South America's political barometer
and its most vulnerable spot. Should the Paz Estenssoro regime be
overthrown, it would be a grave setback for Perons Observers who
have the closest inside into that complicated situation give
President Perontx not more than a year in power after a possible
downfall of Paz Estenssoro, For them this latter event wovld be
the elearest evidenee that the political balance has change in
favor of the United States,

3. Uruguay is another country whose future evolution warrant cares
ful attention, Up to now, indeed, Uruguay was considered South
Americants "lungsts the one country not under Rrgentine influse|ce
where anti-Peron political activity and propaganda could develo
and where the capital, taken out of Argentine, found refugee A
present there are strong and alerming indicatiomof a growing
Peronism even in Uruguay, Further deteils will be given in another
dispatch. It is evident however that a Peronist victory in

Uruguay would give greatest spur to the present Argentine regime
and would make Latin America a unified political blocks

There has been much speculation as to know what practical |
effect Mrs,Eva Peron's death would have on the evolution in |
Argentina. It is of course too early to give a definite answer
or to see and evalu&te all the repercussions.

4 One basie factor however seems evident already now. Mrse
Peron'ts personality and influence was important for all matters
connected with Argentine social and labor structure. Consequgntly —
her name and memory are continued to be used as means of propaganda
among the country's working masses.

As stated above however, Labor Unions,-although one of
Peron's power instruments, - could not save the regime in case of
a setback along foreign policy lines. The general South American
angle and not the Argentine labor structure, are the primary
fagtore. In the question of Latin American solidarity however it
was not the person of Mrs,?eron who played the decisive role, but
the feeling of a racial and cultural unity, as opposed to a US
anglo-saxon influence and powers The best proof for this statement
is that the Peronist movement has continued to develop in South
America, despite MrsePeron's sickness and death. Continuing the sam
trend of thought it can be eoneluded that a possible downfall of
Peron will not to be traced back primarily to his wife's death, but
to a strengthening of the US positions
