OCR Output

XeAeSe November 52.

- page four =

tempting to a regime that looks for its main support to the working
elüss and its Labor Unions,

2. In the other Svanish-speaking Latin American countries. - The
same phenomenon as seen in Argentina can be observed in these
countries too. Communists are offering alliances to the nationalistic
movenents, which oppose US influence and penetration. Detailed
insfide reports on these developments are expected to reach us in

a few days; they will be presented in andbher dispatches

3, A very meaningful change in policies is also showing among Slav
groups that have settled in Latin America, Their influence is great,
as their total mmber reaches well over a million, The Pan-Slavie
Congress in 1942 had given out the parole to organize these South¬
American settlers of Slav origin, along communistic lines, Recently
however this policy was revised. Within the last six months, the
number of Slavs entering the fascist camp is steadily and strikingly
inereasíng e

4, From Brazil comes reliable news that the communist Party has been
given a new rule of conduct, It is to work at the establishment

of a nationalistic front, 2 movement similar to Peronism in Spanish¬
speaking American countries, President Vargas and his supporters
should be led to participate along these lines. Should this new
policy succeed, then the Peazilian communist party will have to
proclaim its dissolution and fully cooperate with President Vargas.
It should then give up it specifie goals in inmer politics and only
consider the world-wide aim to be reached. - This, without doubt, is
an extremely important and revealing decision along the lines of
Moscow planning, The actual dissolution of the Brazilian communist
party will be the test: if that heppens then the proof will be given
that Brazil - although nd Spanish speaking - has entered into the
spirit of the common Peronist front. It wovld be a grave warning
sign not only for political leaders in the Western world, but alse
for economists. Foreign capital indeed has recertly started
important investments in Brazil, A change in Vargas! present neutral
position will have far-reaching repercussions as far as Brazil's
e. and future development is concerned.

Peronist front and the United Stateses

" The Peronist regime is based on a nationalistic, fascist
and syndicalistic system. The most successfvl lines of its pros
paganda are the successful opposition against US penetration of
Latin America, As long as this ideology is gaining in South America,
Peron will be able to hold his position, within his country and
among Spanish-speaking populations of the American continent.

At present the general trend is still in favor of Perong
recent developments prove that fact:
1. One after the other, the Latin American countries are changing
their regime, a “Peronista" taking over. A special dispatch will
deal with this present evolutions.
2. Bolivia is one of the most important test cases for the entire
Latin American situation. With its concentration of wealth and
