OCR Output

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the economic plans of the Fifth Five Year plan are also done pri¬
marily with military aims in mind. This is especially true ef the
vast railroad expansion programme planned between now and 1955.
Strategically the most important way in Asia will be the new Seuth
Siberian line between Akmolinsk and Abakhan and tie new line
between the Aral and the Caspian Seea Beonomicakiy important will
be the new Line between Agryz and Surgut, whien is supp osed to be
terminated in the early part of 1954. This line's importance comes
from the fact, that this is the area of vast new petrol disceve¬
ries, which will be developed in a great scale beginuing early 1953.
A vefinery will also be constructed in tie area.
An interesting feature is also reported by our observers.

While the Faigth Five Year Plan is very outspoken about its tremen¬
dous power projects to be built befere 1955, such as tne Kuibyshev
Dam, the Molotov Dam on the Kama River and the Mingechaur Dam on “Le
Kura, there is absolute silence in tne plan about two vast power=
projects, which are nearing compietion + tne dams and power cen—
ters on the Kurtu and the Ili Rivers. This snows again the very
gecret nature of these two prejects and cenfirms what observers
have felt ali along, namely that these are tne power centers frem
which the Hydregen Bomb plants are supplied.

In a completely different field our ovservers cali eur
attention on a person, whe is rising steeply in importance 3
Maxim Saburev, tie President of tre P,anning Commission and hence


szg, who was eliminated from his pest in 1949. it is interesting

to note that Seburov is an economic technician with little or ne
political background except the normal leyalta to whe partye This is
the first dime thet officially the Pian is in tnehancs ef a real
technician. Saburov, like his colleague ef the Treasury Sverjev

is quite a new star on the Horizon, Both men may g0 far end they
are persons tc be watched henceforth, Both are supposed te belong
to the friends of Malenkov.

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