- page two in all serts of rumours, including the wildest ones. 1t is the genious of te Soviet psychoiogy, that they are ready now turning this danger to their own advantage. From an intelligence point ef view, it wili be important, hanceforth, to pay much more attention to the rumours circulating in Russia than to the official press and radio deckarations : because the true intentions ef the A 7 than in the discourses ef the statesmen, In the military intelligence items which reach us, there is one point of outstanding importance : our observers report te us facts which permit the conclusion, that in ali likelyhood the Soviets al®@ady posess atomic artillery. The first of these reports came already a few months age, when one of our observers reported that he tad Learned thet in the area of Chu, en tne railroad between Frunze and Alma Ata, a hiehly secret factory was operating, in which artilleey was constructed under the supervision of atomie scientists from Tashkent and Alma Ata. As ifs known the Russian Hydregen bemb plant is in the area of Alma Ata, as well as a normal atomic piant. Now two rey6rts reach us, one from the seme area - more exactly the Alma Ata arsa - the other from the area of Toilisi. In beth areas, Soviet elite troops held fall manoeuvers of great importance, which were not so outstanding in the number of soldiers as in the fact, that in botn manoeuvers the Soviet Union's most modern weapons were tested under field conditions. In these manocuvers, while atomic artillery was not used, the manoeuver assumption nevertheless was, that both sides had atomic artillery at tneir disposal. In fact, it seems as if tne real ebjective of tie manoseuvers was just to find out how forces would be able te act in using at nie artillery and hew taey would meet tne threst. It is interesting te note, that tne impact of atomic artillery en tie means of transper= tation in tne area’imaediatelg behind the front was assumed te be very distruective indeed. Our observers point out, that the Soviets certeinly would not have operated under this assumption, had they not known that, in a very short time atomic artillery would be at their disposal. A fourth news whieh has reached us is that in Kaskejen near Alma Ata a special tack force of elite Soviet Artillery is assemblid, which is organized under extraordinary precautions. fhe members of this small elite force are mestly NCO's or longer servine, artillery men of the best artillery units of the USSR. It seems {hat this unit has been taken out of the normal competence of ‘tne Arny Command and is under the direct ord rs of Marshal Lavaregti Beria - who as is known, is the nead of the Soviet Atomic fat faa