OCR Output


XoAs5e for November 526

- page two e

heavy Russian controle

The re-assembling and building work of the reffinerics
nas already started. It is entirely carricd out by Russian
technical experts, The labor used is nearly exclusively Albanian.
Approximately 4,000 men and women work on that job; the majority
ere farmers who had opposed the collectivizetion drive. They are
housed in barrack camps, hastily built up around the future plant.

At the same time another eroup of workers is already
employed at the excavation and construction of huge underground
depotse These are located near the airports and. nevy yards s
mostly in the Vlone area, Here the refined petrol will be stored
for the Soviet Navy and Air Force purposes.

As far as it could be established, these projects are
advancing to satisfaction and according to schedule. It is believe
that the refineries will be ready to start operation by the end
of the months

After full development of the scheme, experts believe
that the navel and air vnits stationed in Albania shovld thus be
independent as far as fuel is concerned. In case of an open
conflict, the availability of such well equiped bascs will
greatly extend the renge of possible Sovict action on Italy,
North Africa end the whole Mediterrameaen arc&e

Draft for military and lebor service.

A previous report on Albania has mentioned the huge
effort of this tiny Republic in calling 35.000 men under the

In the labor front, these men have to be replaced, The
use of forced labor bataillons and the “liberation of women from
the domestic slavery" ere the answers to the probleme According
to most reliable estimates, the mmber of Albarian slave labor
reaches to-date about 13 thousand, that of women workers about |
29 thousands together approximately 3% of the total populations |

The oressure put on women to enter industry is increasing
stronge In total “equality” with men, they perform the heaviest
tasks, They work as turners, machine operators, bricklayers,
miners, Weedless to say that most of the heavy farmwork, even the
work with tractors, is done by women. According to prevailing
labor plans, the number of women, employed in industry and
ey a. shovld reach about 40 to 45 thousand by the berinning
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ús an mm —.


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