OCR Output

XoAeNosZe for November 19529...


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The last dispatch given on Czecho-Slovakia dealt with
the extremely important Secret Military Confernee held near
Prague in the last days of August. It will be recalled that
far-reaching criticism was made and conclusions reached. The
most pressing ones were connected with two strategic pypblemss
the psychological warfare and the re-alignement of all Eastern
Forces, Along the lines of these two problems, highly important
new developments have now been reported by our observers.

Soviet psychological warfare.

In recent weeks a strong inerease in personnel and
activity cövld be observed in the "Foreign Institute" of Prague.
This center is the headquarter of a far-reaching secret activitys
its agents are to control and work through groups of Czech
emigrants and even Sudcte expelleecs,. “heir field of activity are
mainly Austria, Germany, Canada and the United States.

Agents for this service are carefully selected and trained
in special schools. ‘These schools are decentralized, ome of them
are located not fer from the German border - in Litomerice and in
the previously wehl known resort places of Marianske Lezne, Frantis¬
kovy Lazne and Karlovy Lazne =, enother is situated in Trenein
(Slovakia), two are renorted to have been set up in small töihs
in Bohmmia and loravia, Each one of these snecial political youth
schools is cuite small in size and as little conspicuous as possible.
The average course counts 20 to 25 narticbpantss These are mostly
young University students and a minority of exceptionally bright
young workers. As far as language is concerned, the school is either
Slav - with candidates coming from Reimmckag Czecho-Slovakia end
Polandg= or it is German - the candidates being recruited smong
Sudeteg communists who were allowed to stay on in Czecho-Slovakia
or among Hastern-German Party members selected for special traininge
The schooling lasts for one or two trimesters and covers an intense
phogram of individual and mass psychology, of sociology, of oratory
and leadership training, of the selence in preparing strikes and
demonstrations ete, Great emphasis is also placed on the study of
foreign languages. ‘While in school, each candidate is strictly
supervised and studied. Regulations are extremely strict and whoever
does not comply is immediately expelled from the school and sent into
"“re=training confinement", According to estimates received, sereening