6. XeAcNOe2e for November 1952, THE LUXEMBOURG SITUATION. Selected at least temporarily as headquarters of the "Black Pool” Luxembourg has entered once again the limelight of European interest. The political stability and the economic development of the little Grand=Duchy has become of primary importance, It is one of the six countries to form the heart of the European political and defense community; its important steel production makes it an essential member in ony economic cooperation and in Western strategic production, Luxembourg has thus a word va to say in the vital Bast-West struggles; its leading men and politica&l parties participate actively in Evurorean events and decisions, The political situation. There are four political parties represented today in the Luxembourg Parléament. The Christian Party hee been in power for the last 27 years. During that time it was Vr.eDupong and Bech who exchanged in holding the position of Prime Minister and of Minister of Foreign Affairs. WreDvpong has the advantage of long political experience. He is an adaptable personality and some of his Party followers even feel that he is too much inclined to compromising, especially with the Socialists, He is considered the represertative of the left wing in the Christian Party. lreBech, on the contrary, is a much stronger and authoritarian character. Aman of high intelligghce, great exverience and prudence, he is e well known international figure. Havi Having been seriovely sick last year, he has already declined an invitation to verticipate in the Coal-Steel Pool and is said to be . considering his retirement from active political life within the next couple of years, ‘The third Christian Minister, Mr-Frieden is also passed sixty years of age, Minister of the Interior and of Education, he has not come from the politicsl, but from the teaching career and is a highly intelligent personality, Mr.Margeve is another one of the old-time and outstanding figures of the Party, He is now one of the Luxembourg members in the European Coal and Steel authppityes = The great weakness of the Christian Party is the lack of younger leaders. All the outstanding versonealities and members of the government are of the old Party evard. They have ‘ert the reins in hands and have not shared their experience with younger elements. The war end German annexation moreover has interrupted the normal politica evolution of the country. The consequence is that, although the Party has some active young elements in its ranks, there is no one who would be let to cooperate with and eventually would be able to succeed the present-day leaders. The moeialists are the second party to form the govermental coalition. They have the;nimber of Sekx members as the Christians in the Cabinet. Their leader is Justice Minister Bodson; a man of routine and rather moderatetendencies, 2 clever politician.