In viewing the South American Spanish-speaking area, there
are two sets of problems and possible evolutions to be carefully
On the one hand, there are the countries where the issue
is centered around the maintenance or the establishment of a
nationalistic, Peronást regime. This is the ease for Argentina,
Bolivia, Chile, Eeuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguaye Communists
in this area, develop a policy of large fronts and infiltration.
They cooperate with nationalists and take positions in the labor
unions, so as to influence public life and governmental policies,
Their aim is not revolutionary, They are satisfied with regimes
that dppose UWS predomfinance and the establishment of a common
war effort with the Western world. With Bolivian tin, Chilean
copper, Peru's bismuth offered to the highest bidder, with the
entire Latin American block politically independent from the US,
Russia has gained the greatest victory it can hops for, in that
unstable, but nevertheless deeply Christian areas.
On the other hand are the countries - Colombia and
Venezuela a neighboring Central America and the Caribbean area,
Situated closer to the United States, their political, economie
and strategie value takes a different aspect. Here communists want
and need the absolute leadership. They are not afraid of using.
revolutionary means to achieve their aim; but they do so not under
their own name. They hide behind a literal sereen, which at present
calms the US suspicions; but will be droped in the future, as soon
as it will have outlived its usefulness. The erucial point to
watch for in these countries thus are the movements of the so-called
left wing liberal and democratic partiese