In Columbia, a state of war is evolving in the bitter
opposition between the conservative nationalist goverment of
Acting President Roberto Urdaneta and the leftewing liberals, with
met their guerilla forces. In order to understand the backgpound of
that fight - that has again flared up in bloody clashes - it is
important to keep in mind the revelations of secret communist aims
discussed in previous Latin American dispatches. The Guatemala-City
conference indeed had given out in May the parole: mobilize against ©
the present anti-communist regimes 411 the leftist forces, but under
such title and leadership that would not appear as such to the eyes
of American liberals eee This is exactly wakt happens now in Columbia.
Since the 1946 elections, which gave the majority to the conservative:
the fight is on, Today however extreme left elements are pushing
towards open revolt and an armed coupe These elements form the left¬
wing of the only opposition party, the Liberals. At'the 1946 eleetio:
their candidates received only 356,000 votes in comparison to the
470,000 of the Party's right wing. The latter are moderate mens In
their ideas, and program they are not very different from those of
the conservatives. Their main goal is to regain - by purely legal
means - the majority theu have lost. In this line they oppose the
titular ailing President Laureano Gomez, his representative and
actual leader Roberto Urdaneta Arbalaez and their party. By doing
dó however they help unwillingly the aims of the communists. The
right-wing opposition indeed, secures funds and a liberal prestige
to the maz entire opposition party. The communist-—inspired left wing
- faithful to the Guatemala directives - enters a common liberal fron
only in order to overthrow the government, to take over power, which
it is well desided hot to share with the:truly liberal groupe
Previous dispatches have warned of the danger presented by the re¬
organized Caribbean Legion and the illegal shipments of arms HEKENHNKEN
received through Guatemala, Our observers from Colimbia give a
similar and most alarming pictures the illegal gueriile forees of the
left-wing so called liberals are estimated to reach by now approxima¬
tely 15.000 members. Battles between them and government polite are
inereasing in intensity and outbreaks of violence are frequently
reported. In view of maintaining order, the government has proclaimed
strictest protective measures and eensorship, while trying simultaeou:
ly to reach a working agreement with the liberals, at least with thei:
moderate wing. Discussions held in Pogota have not shown much result
guerrilleros continue the open fight from their mountain strongholds};
libcrels continue to accuse the governrebh of "fascism" and speak of
an absolute deadlock reached in the political situation.
In Venezuela too the situation is rapidly evolving in the
direction of an open show down. Since the Army coup in 1948, a three¬
men Junta is at the head of the country. Bleetions are scheduled to
be held on November 30th, for a new President and a Congress. The two
opposition parties that are still in the country - the Christian
"Copei" Party of Dr.Rafael Caldera and the Democratic Republican Unio
of DreJovito Villalba - have hesitatéd at first, then decided to
participate in the votese According to our observers, they hope to
gain about one-fourth of seats in the new Congress, which would
enable them to particigate in national volities and decisions.
The true opposition however comes from the "Accion Demoeratica".