The last dispatch sent on these countries in June spoke
of the forthcoming elections and of the rising chances for the
nationalist groupse Since then these predictions have become truée
The presidential elections have brought into power two strong mens
Carlos Ibafiez del Campo in Chile and and Velaseo Ibarra, in Bevadore
s The ebctions in Chile gave Senator Carlos Ibanez - the
head of the nationalist agrarian erom - 47% of all the votes. He
thus defeated his three opponents: Arturo Matte (liberal), Pedro
Enrique Alfonso (redical) and Salvador Allende (extreme left). Sine
elections in Chile are truly democratic and honest, this vote
expressed povular feelings. Chileans, dissatisfied with the extemsmelj
difficult e@@onoric situation fi their country, blamed the previous
regime (President Videlaj a strong friend of the USA) for prevailing
conditions. In reaction, they svpvorted the candidate whose ideas
were closest to Peron and the other Latin-American nationalist. This
anti-anglo-saxon popvlar attitude wes expressed openly in the |
manifestations that ximresctermt turned against some of the foreign |
diplomats at the occasion of a public gathering, shortly before the —
elections. It showed that the many supporters of the Ibanez regime |
come from the ranks of the true nationalists as well as from all the
dissatisfied elements within tre different political parties.
The new Ecuador President, Dr.Velasco Tharra, had been in
this highest position before, Removed by the Army, he lived for five
years in Argentina and returned to his country only a few weeks Before
the elections, A declared friend of President Peron, Jose Maria
Velesco Ibarra presented himself as indenendent candidate; but was
officially becked by the “Parti@o Nacional de Accion Revolucionaria",.
This is a fascist nationalist organization, grouping mostly farmers
and low=fincome workers, Since he entered office, Velasco Ibarra, by
a thorough purge, has cleaned out the army of his enemies, replacing
them by friends cf his regime. This move has greatly strengthened his
positions. Our observers feel that - althoveh tensions have not
disapreared and inciderts still ocevr = the President has the sitnatic
now in hands,
Previous dispatches have snoken of the most important
conference held by communist leaders in Guatelmala city. Some of
their major déeisions were rehated to a new strategy to be
established for Central America end for the neighboring South
American countries of Colimbia and Venezuela. It is interesting to
note that, sinee this earlier decision, undermining movements have
been reported from different spots in the Caribbean ares, As far as
Columbia and Venezuela are concerned, the inner situation is rapidly