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thodox Arcltimatrite of Jerwalem Ignatius Polykarpiuse This dynamie
man was educated at the Teeologieal Seminary of Moscow, which is
in full cottrol of the Communist Party. He is definitely one of
those new Orthodox ieaders, who follow faithfully and effectively
the Moscow line. He is a jCommuhist first. Under his guidance the
Russian Palestine Society is now rebuilding al1 the Russian Con¬
vents, subsidizes all the monasteries, ehbsidizes all the Pari¬
shes and maintains the best possible relations with the lower
Avab-Orthodox clergy. It ús distributing a whole new religious
litterature, kbly books wrinted in Moscow; they are given so cheap
that they are pushing out the Greek books Írom the tharket, These
books, while they are nob directly selling the Communis¥ line,
are nevertheless selling the Alex#j Chuinch, with the avowed aim,
at promoting Ignatius Polykarpius to be the next Patfiarch of
Jerusalem, What this tliis would mean in the whole arzu, including
the Arab lends, can b well imagined.
The role of the Soviet Ambagsador in Israel, Pavel Ivanovich
Yershov is worth mentioning, He and his whole staft assist with
fervour to the services of the Russian Orthodox Church in
Jerusalem, and thgs help greatly the ope ations of Ignataus

Of all the namesi mentioned, ond 11 the orgenizutions
enumerated, this ovserver feels that the most importent, in fact
tee key person, is Ignatius Polykarpiwse He has been able so far
to stay out of the Gimelight. With his vast financiel and diplos
matic meas, he Deena h wey beypnd Israel, in fact to
subvert th neur Basi) His potemticlities in the whole area should
not be underestimated Dre—Snek, who shoyld not be underrated,
is after all limited to th-Jewss he-wiltnever gyin Arab followings
Unfortunately te Ssune thing cen not be did of Ignatius Potykar=
piuse are. ;

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