‘ A Octed52- page four = On koreay it is Eisenhower who scored heavilye lt is cer= tain that his approach has gained the interest of the masses, and that people trust him more on the issue than either Tyuman or Ste~ vensone : On Corrupbion, it was the Republicans who counted heavily on it for winninge As of now the issue seems to have been greutly weakenede With the charges and countercharges on the Nixon and Stevenson funds the people have become thoroughly confuged, and so are now having the feeling, that there is corruption in both partiese In this connection this observer hazlearned, that leading Democrats seem to hope that in the very last days of the campaign they would spring a new charge on Senator Nixons They plan this in such a manner, as to bring it into the publie at a moment when Nie xon would have no more chance to clear himselfe This observer does not know whether this wili materialize § but it certainly is plans ned in powerful quarterse On Communism, the Republicans seem not yet to have made the full use of its potentialities as a weapon in the fight. It still . seems to this observer, that it would do Bisenhower a lot of good, if he told more facts and id he concentrated more on this one issues ig’ is one on which Amexicams ure sure to reacte And it looks today that skilifuliy used, it could sway the massese After all, the only ineredible show of strength the R@publicens have mede so far was the MeCarthy primary victory in Wisconsine This was a real victory, since McCarthy carrie d both the Republicans end large numbers of Democrats, and this against the greatest and most vicious opposi= tion eunulating vilest persobal attacks and the most impressive array of finencial and press powere | Many Republicen leaders feel, that only by stressing this issue to the fullest extent could Eisenhower wine This observer is not far from agreeing with theme S$,