that there ís not the slightesttrace of a Western reaction, des=
pite the fact that it would be fairly easy to counteract the
enemy line.
Gernal Kubalov, the new head of Soviet Intelligence
for West Germany,is one of the top younger men ofSoviet Intel¬
ligence. He was actively engaced in Intelligence Work in World
War II, speaks German so fluently that one could take him for a
German, and is been all his life interested in German affairs.
He 48 understood to be especially outstanding in his knowledge
of the industrial Ruhr. A complete shake up of the Soviet Zntel
ligence Ring is under way, especially since it has been known
that both the American Intelligence and the West Germen Police
have been able deeply to penetrate with their own men the ran ke
of Soviet Intellicence in West Germany. This wes best illustra=
ted by t be recent arrest of several large espionnage rings in
Germany, like the Polish-sponsored E ich Mielge - Wollweber ring,
and the recently discovered Weis ring in Frenkfart Hoechst,
also known as the " Buero fuer Innerdevischen Handel".
árrordínz to best obtainable informetion Kubalov will
not only take over fully the supreme direction of the Soviet and
Bast Garman Intelligence line in West Germany, but also the
ones of the other People's Democracies, especially the Polish
and Gzech ones. the East German Intelligence will maintain its
om apparatus and commend, but will be under Kubalov’s supreme
supervision and co-ordthation, in order also to prevent needless
duplications as have been taking place till recently.
Several events have marked in the meantime the domes=
40 situation in Bonn. The first of these, in order of importance
as been tre deéth of Dr. Schumacher. He was replaced by Erich
llenhauer, Ollenhauer 18 the son of a condétruction worker in
‘agdeburg, who early entered politics, During Hitler's regime he
was in the emigration and spent the ver-years in England, He 49
not as brilliant as the late leader, but a good party-p: ofessio=
nel, The rather heavy set man with modest appearance, is by na¬
ture a second man, He has not the gift of leadership. He is no
great moving speaker, but a good debater. He us good on details,
less en big lines and large concepts. As a Socialist he is ras
ther enclined to take the middle road, neither to much to the
right or the left. He 1s less of a Netionalist than Schmmacher.
He likes to compromise. Most, opservers feel, that he will let
things ride as they are, but that fundamentally Ollenheuer is
to small for his job as the leader of the opposition. The Socia~
list nig § might indeed an a few months enter into a crisis ,
thou-h this erisis is likely to happen only after the elections,
Another event of importance for Germany wes the arrival
of the new American High Commissioner Walter Donnelly. Mr- Don¬
nelly came from Vienna. He left there without leaving regrets,
since his dictatorial immixtions in Austrian affairs and his lack