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ESSEN OP pre Crry 19

so skilful that he "made himself wings and flew: and as he
would have lighted on the temple of Apollo, which he had builded
in the city of Troy Newydd, he fell and brake his necke, when
hee had reigned twenty yeares, and was there buried.” Bledhud was
the father of King Lhyr or Lear, who had three daughters, Gonorila,
Ragan, and " Cordeila." Cordeila, after her father’s death, reigned
for five years, but her nephew, Kunedha, the son of Ragan, “ levied
warre’’ against her successfully, "and tooke her prisoner, where
she for sorrow slue herself." Kunedha, after a reign of thirty years,
died and was buried in ‘‘Newe Troy,’ as were also some of his
descendants, and we come eventually to Beli, or Belinus, of whom
there is more to be said. He was brother to Bran, or Brennus,

the great Gaul who besieged and took Rome, or, as Master Harry