OCR Output

Chapel of the Rolls ri 249
Charterhouse, Exterior 197
Dining Hall 198
Staircase ; 246
Cheapside—A Rainy Day 139
Bennett’s Clock . 51
Under the Tree . 144
Christ’s Hospital, Archway . III
Boys in Playground 105
Cloister 112
Great Hall, Boys at Dinner , 109
City Auction Rooms, Gracechurch Street 134
Carlton Club 128
Character, A—New London Street, Fen¬
church Street . 79
Club, Old Broad Street vill
Liberal Club, Walbrook 211
of London Schools 239
Clifford’s Inn 241
Cloth Fair ; ; II 5
tt Ve Dick Whihtinitans’ “4 52
Clothworkers’ Hall, Mincing Lane, ete
Arms over doorway . 94
Coal Exchange , 135
College of Arms . , 19
Council Chamber 266
Public Room in, and Coat of Arms over
door 103
‘*Come along, Miss, come along !” 86
Commercial Sale-rooms, Mincing Lane. ix
Coopers’ Hall 98
Cordwainers’ Hall 66
Cornhill, No. 28 258
Nos. 66 and 67 . 133
View of 67
Crosby Hall, Back view 69
From Great St. Helen’s sók,
Front view . j : 4 69 |
Crosby Square, No. 4, Old Garden at, ; 3 xvi
Custom House , 159
Daily News Offices. 47
Daily Telegraph Offices 253
Doctors’ Commons 192
Entrance to 192
Vicar-General’s Office . 195

Holborn, Prudential Assurance Co,’s Offices .

Drapers’ Hall, Exterior 142
Interior . 99
Dutch Reformed Church, Kuiséa Friars 82
Eives and Allen’s Offices (Agents of the
Inman Line and Wells Fargo’s Ex¬
press), 99 Cannon Street . i . AGA
Electric Railway Station (City and South Lon¬
don), King William Street—Exterior. 287
Interior 285
Fenchurch Street Railway Station 36
Fishmongers’ Hall, London Bridge 136
Fleet Street, showing Temple Bar Memorial
and Child’s Bank 231
Showing the Law Courts 220
Showing St. Paul’s 225
Fountain Court, Temple 214
Sundial in , 227
c Fox,” Sign of the, 24 Poni’ Sips 162
Gog . : ú 104
Goldsmiths’ Hall : ő ; 138
Goldsmith, Monument to, Temple Church 61
Gough Square eee
Grasshopper Chop House, The Old, in treba:
church Street , : 279
Gray’s Inn Gardens, Gate in 224
Gray’s Inn Square 221
Great St. Helen’s , GÉ
Entrance to 65
Old Houses in II
Great Tower Street. 3
Gresham Club, Exterior 161
Grocers’ Hall , . 149
Guildhall, Council Chamber 88
ti Front Exit . 71
| Great Hall. 91
a Library 23
Police Court : 5 , : 73
The Crypt . 103
The Porch . 104
Haberdashers’ Hall . 148
Hill, Sir Rowland, Statue of 147
Holborn Circus—A Winters Morning . 50