OCR Output


NOTE: The material on which the present report is based
has been obtained once more from the same high Yougoslav source
as was the ious dispatch sent a month agoe The informant's
position giv unique understanding and insight, regarding the
causes and facts; these escape the attention of the general press
and thus arg oi öutyide the leading circles.

The Yougoslav problem cannot be understood by its outward
aspects, by official declarations or by charging policies alone.
It is important to go to the deep and hidden roots of the whole

Looking at Yougoslavia from the inside, the watchful
observer will soon detect a double stream, One is formed by the
large nation-wide trends, steming from deep-seated traditiorw and
feelings. They are the forces that lead and influence public opinion
and that always contain an element or at least a possibility of
opposition and diversification.e These forces are the nationalities,
the needs and ideals of the intelligentsia class, the powerful
rural element and the Churches.
The other stream follows the opposite movement. It comes from the top,
not from the mass. It is not born in wide-spread feelings, but is the

diversification, but one of unification. WhatOi@Omeantpsx this second
force is the “socialist democracy" as planned and imposed by Tito and
his official team, fhe Party's Politbureau is the true source of that
unifying ideas It is this Folitbureau - and not the people's represen¬
tatives in the Western sense - that lays down the rules and the lines.
Its directives are carefully followed by the whole administration: by
the federal fbarliament, its Presidium and Councils, as well as by
the middle and bhranskes lower branches among officials. They have to
keep a constant watch and repress all hostile influences — be it in the
form of Western ideas of of Gominform intrigues. this, in turn
explains the specific aspect of most recent purges that occured in
Yougoslaviae Since an ideology has to be defended, it is those who
carry agges ~ the schools and universitiss, the judiciadry powers and
the/enterprises, the press and the party - that were hardest hit.
Where two streams are meeting, a whirlpool is formed and
directions changed. This BARES applies to Yougoslavia.e The déep
trends coming from the mass clash with the directed marxism from the
tope Both have to bend and to compromise, if a united stronger strean,
"nd not a break should be the result.
