OCR Output

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2 / That the Slovaks, whose overwhelming majority wants an inde- .
pendent Slovak State, are again officially denied this e e by

the so-called Czechoslovaks abroad. The oresence of Dr, susky,

a born Slovak, in the Council, is not accepted, since Drs Osusky

is considered to be a Czech by his compatriots.

3 / That a secret deal was passed between the men composing the
National Council, according to which free elections should be

barred in the country after liberation, by the simple devise of

only permitting the candidacy of those political parties repre¬

the country, has already been agreed with the Americans through
the help of the Free Europe Committee. This elimination of the
people at home would permit to carry out the agreement between |
the leading men today in America, namely to appoint Dr. Osusky

as future President, Yr. Zenkl as future Prime Minister and Dr.
Ripka as future Foreign Minister. It is to be noted that the

latter two collaborated actively with the Communists after 1945,

4 / That the National Council contimes to fight the Germans, It

is known in the country, that at the meeting of July 4th of the
Council in New York, it had been decided to issue a proclamation

in which the expulsion of the Germans would be glorified and it
would be pledged that this would be maintained after he Communist
regime has fallen, The country also knows, that this was only
prevented at the very last moment by the American governement.

5 / That the policy of the National Couneil continues in many asp _
pects to paralell the policies of the Communists at home.
6 / That the Czech broadcasts of Raflio Free Europe are still con¬
trolled by notorious past collaborators of the Soviets, whose
anti-communism is very much questioned by the people at home. Tha
is especially the case for Mr, Peroutka, head of the Czech
broadcasts. People do not forget, that, among many other things,
he wrote on December Zlst, 1947, in his Review " Dhesek" the

he wrote on December 31st, 1947, in his Review "Dnesck" the

fol owing remarks : " Te are the Allies of the Soviet Union for
life or death, If there should be a conflict between East and
West, and if in this conflict the Soviet Union would be defeated,
we would be hurt most, we would maybe even be amihilated, if the


casts of such a person - and he is by far not the only one at
Radio Free Hurope - are far from effective » that nobody believes
theme In fact, these people foster thecfeeling, that the so-calild
anti-conmunist eruade of Free Europe is only a sham,