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zenship and that following this he would become the Commander
in Chief of the new Czech Army, Our observers would be rather
inclined to believe this rumour. In any case it is indicative
of the full submission to Moscow of the Czech regime.

In the field of armament it is noteworthy that a few
days ago the first batch of Chinese workers have arrived at the
Lenin Works in Pilsen. These Chinese were trained for skills in
Rassian factories, and are now serving with the new Russian
machines, Their qualification seems to be very high. Their Czech
colleagues see them come with great hatred. It is interesting
to note in this connection, that both these works and those of
Moravska Ostrava are now producing large orders of small Russian
type tommy-guns of civil war type which are exported via the
free pert of Hamburg to ultra secret destinies. At least some of
them are shipped to Latin America. These wéapons are shipped thre
through Germany on Czech boats of the Elbe Shipping Company.

In Hamburg they are stocked in the warehouses of tha Company,
under the direction of one Jan Struha, a man very high in the
Czech Intelligence, The shipping itself is then done by the
Czechoslovak Forwwrding Ltd., a branch of the Eberhard Clemens
GmbH.- Internationale Spedition, T his Eberhard Clemens is

only the official owner of the Company, which in reality ber

longs to the Czech governement. 3

Besides these military affairs, it is noteworthy to our
observers, that the Czechs and Slovaks are following with interes
and bitter misgivings the activities of their emigrations. It
is untrue, as our observers point out, that people back home
know nothing about the emigrations. In fact they know a lot and
are very unhappy both about the type of people who pretend to
‘represent them and about these men's activities. The Czechs and
Slovaks are realists. It is no secret for them that the German
prestige is rising. They know, that the expulsion of the Sudeto
Germans is something that can not be maintained, that the time
is over-bipe to come now to a deal. They fear, that if the pre¬
sent “official” Czech group continves to follow the anti-german
line, it is they, the Czechs back home, who will ultimately
suffer the consequences. There are several points which are
severely condemned in the country about the emigration 3%

1 / That in recent weeks a Czechoslovak National Council was
formed in America® This Council is a minority organization, ‘
since it includes.only those political parties of Czechoslo¬

vakia, who collaborated with the Russians. It excludes a real
majority of the people, since the Agrarians, the largest party in
pre-war Czechoslovakia, the National Democrate and the Slovak
Nationalists - the absolute majority perty in Slovakia at every ©
free election in that country - are excluded. People feel, that .
with free elections, thas National Council whieh arrofates to
itself all the national sovereignity, would be severely beaten.
