7 vyermement in a special account of the Gosbantk,. Allegedly the ©
. Chinese Governement then pags % this sum over to the families of
the workers ; but in fact it is or certain that so far at least
no Chinese family has received the coun terparte 30 it stands to
reason that these huge sums are ek for ‘the financing of Chinese
imports from Russia, The number of Chinese Workers at present
mining or washing gold is estimated at roughly 40.000 but it
is steadily rising in recent times, so that by the time this gets
ade publication their number cen bé much higher, :
As to the production of gold at present in Russia it has been ris
ae eben, It was 60 tons in 1933, and 339 ‘tons in 1944, It
is now satsiy established at 445 for 1952, This makes the Soviet
Union the Greatest singie gold producer at present, since in 1946
South Atrica produced 360 tons, Canada 1109; ‘the United States
67, paint 29, bape Gold Coast 1987 etes "ne Commonwealth is
gress contimes this too might be ‘only a temporary szpjalnésgy abb a
The matter demands to be closely LOoLlowed, —..
At the beginning of th month, a secret meeting has tare
ken place in Moscow, with the aim at d seussing the full financial
ie integration of the total Soviet orbit, by ‘the unification of the
a ... Bánking system of all Satellite countries, and their ovadual adap=s
tation to the Soviet system ; at the same time tle over-all unis
fication of ali the Banks under the control of Russia's Gosbenk _
was also Giscussed, According to the plang worked OU each of tne
countries would have its own “Gosbeuilc, with the Russian Gosbenk
becoming the Cent ral Bank Or banking opevetions of the whole
Rubel—bioe, Tie Gosbank will be the Nation af BANK, that is to say
will issue the currency under govemmement /controd,. I+ will make
certain erediteo; jerations for enterpri sese It will, Rot accept indi¬
Vidual deposits, but only those of the govemenent,. .Roreig mm gos
r vemenents, end-of governementali org enizatidas, axeb\ aa. davest+
ment banks and Savin: gs Institutions, The ‘eredits given by Goge
. bank will be/oniy short-term credits, and only to. institutions.
Below the Gosbenk will be the Investment Banks, whose: sole aim
is the long-tem /Linencing of en terprises e . They ‘alsa: accept no de=
posits, except as far as they handle the mmiinag expenses, end funds
of thoge enterprises Sy who have received their credits. The lowest
echelon finaliy are the Savings Institutions. There are central
Savongs Institutions, who have only administrative funótiong 5 end
local, or regent ass Savings Institutions, who handle private
accounts, | jinese le albier will serve also for the colfection of So¬
cial Insuran for the floating of bonds of the govermenenty
and the ¢ a os of taxess Individual deposits vili be used
primarily fort 9 járatát of tazes — ae the Ins