Nevertheless this effort too proved to be unsuccessfull.
It was rightly pointed out, that Menzel's theory was no more sub=
stentiated than any other, and that furthermore it was unable to
explain certain phenomena of the Flying Saucers, which had been
eredibly reported by absolutely reliable persons, and which had to
lead to the conelusion, that the theory of optical iliusion could
not explain the more serious observations made.
2 In fact, the frequency of the flying Saucer reports -— both
those published in the press, and those kept secret by the authori¬
ties - increased at such an alarming rate, that the authorities
finally decided to take an extremely serious view of the situation.
This has led last March to a resumption and a vast expansion of the
Grudge project, under scientific and competent leadership. The pros
ject is now led by the great expert Lt. Edward J, Ruppelte it is
gathering a vast scientific equipment of different nature, inclu¬
ding new—type photographic equipment, with which to photograph
and to study from every angle the phenomenae This equipment is only
partly ready, but ought to help a great deal, especially since a
Close study of all reports available show, that the Flying Saucers
visit with the greatest £.equency only those areas, which are of prime
militery and scientifie interest. Hence the nedd to estublish the
first observation centers in these critical spots.
Though authorities, for understandeable motives, are at pre=_
sent reluctant to discuss the whole mutter, it can be stated that
one of the main reasons why they take such a graver view on the mate
ters is the increase of intelligence reports from the Bast, on sub=
jects which can be possibly connected with the Flying Saucers. With
in the last month three entirely independent sources huve reported
seeing Flying Saucers landing in Fussian=isoluted areas behind the
Iron Curtain, Only one of these reports was briefly mentioned in
the press, the one of a German Mayor from Bast Gemany at his arrival
as a refugee in Berlin. The two others heve emaneted from the area
of Limbuzhi in the latvian SSR near the Gulf of Rigae In the latter
two instaices the sources saw things, corresponding roughly to the ee
current description offlying seucers, landing straight like a Neli¬
copter in a large clearing made by the Russians, A take-otf was also
observed, the object flying off at incredible speed and in straight
line up into the sky. The area where this takes piac e has been en
tirely cleaned of population by MVD forces and is closely watched
by the seme forces, Inside the area is a Russian Cump and several
large hangars and factory—like buildings. These reports nevertheless
ean not yet be declared as fully reliable, unless more corroborating
evidence is found.