OCR Output

X:Al4a August 22

~ page twelve =

Many pages could be filled with such and similar quotations.
The same fundamental philosophy is invariably presented with the
identical appearance and under the form of absolute logic, of objectivit
and impartiality and of ar fmm independent and patriotic spirit; all
these are characteristics likely to appeal to the minds of a large
elite. Besides it is the list of names who sign in Esprit, which is
impressive both by its number and its intellectual background.
These are exactly the points where most of the danger lies. the men
who openly endorse the policy of the review are, in majority, Universit)
professors, college teachers and "normaliens" (which means members or
graduates of a teachers! college). They are not only scientists or
students of public affairs themselves, but they shape the spirit of
the youth and thus have a tremendous influence on the future leading
generation of France. Although the "Esprit" team represents by nog
means the numerical majority of present-day French intellectuals, it is
one of those groups tiat has the greatest influence: because it is
united, while others are split; because it speaks up and argues, while
others hesitate; because it bas a review (that despite its price, its
purely intellectual form and its free availability in libraries, counts
15.000 regular subscribers in France alone, where intellectuals usually
have little financial means); because it pretends to be Christian, while
giving the best arguments to leftist and anti-clerical elements.
inv iew of the concurrence of all these facts, it is not astonishing the
Ksprit's influence penetrates far beyon@ the group that is openly
sponsoring ite Its philosophy and publications are increasingly
discussed by the intellectualg elite,;~teachers and students alike.
Special study circles, the so-called "groups sprit" or "“personalis tic
centers", are constantly expandings by the end of last year, several
such units were alraady functioning in Paris and 24 in other Franch
citiese Since last November, a French Secre@ariate of the Groupes
Esprit has becn set up at the review's headquarters (25 rue de Jacob,
raris VI.)s Louis-Jacques Rondeleux is its heading figure.
according to the leaders of Vatholie student groups in Faris, the
influcnece of Esprit among young Parisian intellectuals bec mes truely

Esprit's influence however does not stop at France's borders:
French-speaking intellectual elites in neighboring countries feal
already the increasing impact of Esprit's philosophy and teaching.
In Belgium for example, “groupes Esprit" are already functioning in
the six main cities. Following the French example, they too have now
set up a common coordinating office (the Secretariate of the Belgiam
Esprit groups, GeDobbeleer, 14 rue de la Fontaine, Genval, Belgium).
Swiss Christian leaders too are starting to erypress concern as to the
confusion implanted into the minds of the young by “sprit's growing
impact in their country, by its intellectual appeal and its misleading

am tm — oe

The dilemma of French intellectuals.
All through the French social and intellectual front runs an

alarming trend of thought that - in the name of so-called labor and (9.
national interests - dissociates theme clites from pupular reactions.