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leading independent daily paper ) of July $th , 1952.

A pamphlet of MgC.

Ve have been compelled already more than once to speak here
on the efforts of the Socialists to befriend American authorities
as well as of the leftist tendencies of many American authorities
in Austria. We can only speak of dubious practices, when we know
that the M.E.C. administration in Vierma does not hire its Ause
trian collaborators from the creat public but only through the
Gewrkechaftsbund ( note s this isthe Socialist dominated Trade
Union of Austria ), whose officials have declared, that they
would only recommend such persons to MEC who are members of the
Socialist Party. What can we think, here in Austria, of an Ameri¬
can Economie Mission, which obviously welcomes Austrian party
politics to exercice their influence within its framework ?

At present the Gewerkschaftsbund s the Trade Union e is
distributing thousands of copies of a sixteen page leaflet deaY7/#
ling with the soecalled " BENTON s amendment". This leaflet was
written by M.E.C. and printed in the Editorial House of the
Socialist Party, the “Vorwaerts",

We can say of the content of the pamphlet, which is ®hased#
on utterances of the American Senator BENTON in Vienne, that one
has seldom read more untrue and vicious deseriptions of the role
of management and manufacturers in European lands, The ERP aid,
it is stated, has helped less the worker than other claases of
the population in Austria. One has in America the impression
that the rich are getting richer in Austria, and that they find
ways, to pay no taxes$This latter statement has to this moment
only been made by the Communists, who consider it to be their mah
main duty to destroy the corfident relations between management
and labour.

The writer of these lines does not know directly, what Mre
BENTON really said when he was in Vienna, One can say for the
American Sehator, that he lives very far from Eurove. But one
can not say the same thing of MEC, which says that HTIBENTON
is stating for instance the following views 3 It would be meh
better if the industries of Burope would be nationalized, rae
ther than the contimed existence of cartels and MOnoDOLLeS.

The British Labour Party, so the Senator is alleged to say.
favours state ownership, while the British Conservatives, in
their defense of private enterprise favour private monopolies
and Cartelss hence it would be unthinkable, that if the Amerie
can people would fate such a choice, hágy vee not immediately
chose for the ways of the labour Party. e American people
would chose public owmership " and this not in a relation of

2 tol or 5 to 1 but by the most overwhelming majority of its
history"s What may be the reason, to present things for us in
such a manner, as if the choice for us was only between Sociae
lism and Monopolies ?

We can not deny, that the pamphlet contains also some justie
fied criticisms on our manazement. Thus it is true, that to many
of our capitalists condider their wealth as a source of security,
rather then as an instrument to ever-increasing economic produce
tivitye But is it really the opinion of MEC, that the only remedy