aapgehan hl tiantcnngggpee ayaa 2 or Ju POLITICAL EVENTS IN LATIN AMERICA, : Recent events in Latin America have proven to the _ Communist leadership, that finally at certain points at least, the United States have awakened and have been reacting strongly against the Soviet actions, While in Guatemala this is not the case, the Babista Coup in Cuba and the sharp reaction of Venezuela against the Communists was noted in such a manner, that a cer= tain change of strategy was decided at a Conference held in Guatemala City on which we have alréady reported, We also reported at the time that the main Moscow Agent there was Comrade Remirez, a man going obvioisly under an alias. Since the we have been © able to learn, that among those at Guatemala City early May where also the weli~known Agents Aire and Adi, as well as a new man, who is going henceforth to be the permanent Assistant to Pablo Nergda recte Neftali Reyes for all the affairs concerning Guatemala, This man a German from Chile, whose name we have as yet been unable to lear, is going to be with residence in finúütt Guatemala City and direct ali the activities procecding from that spot. But the most important decision taken on this oecasion was - besides measures on Guatemalan démestic affairs on which we reported already earlier - a major decision of foreign policy nature, This is, that besides the official Communist drive in the Latin American areas, based on the Communists in power like in Guatemala, Bolivia etc, on the Commmist-dominated Trade Unions and Chinese Associations, on the other auxiliary groups of the Communist Party, a so-called liberal, in reality red-doninated group should start at once its activities. This group, to be based on existing extreme left forces, should not be officialiy Comm-= nists it should contain both Communists of the underground vine order to defeat fascism, The advantage of this group would be, that it would gain easily the support of powerful American libe= ral groups, who still hold sway in many sections of the Department of State, in many of the organs of the so=called progressive press and would be able to muster sufficient American support well informed Americans to alert American public opinion to the dangersé » Hence thenew strategy planned in Guatemala City can be Sumuarized as follows : hold the Communist rule wherever possible. But where it does not exist at present, mobilize against the 57.