OCR Output


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of the Transsiberian facilities should not be underestimated.
An unprecedented number of workers has been sent into the area
of the main works especially Stalinsk, Paviodar and Akmolinske
The military and @conomic significance of these feverish works
will not escape the observer, _

In the economic field, the opening, at Barmaul, of a
new powerful synthetie rubber plant of great capacity is d
attention at the sunthetic ru ber production of the USSR, which
is best estimated at 300.000 tons a yeare The rubber is made
according to American patents made available, on the basis of
German inventions taken over by the Americans, to the Russians du=
ring the war. Despite this high rate of production, the Soviets
still import more than 100,000 tons of natural Rubber a year,
It is now also learned that attempts will be made in the USSR
to plant large areas with Guayule from Mexico, in order to pro=
vide a new source of natural rubber,

In the field of domestic policy, reports of difficulties
come from two arease First from the Ukraine, where the Deputy
Prile Minister of the Kiev Govemmement, Markevicz, was relieved
of his function and deported to Bastern Siberkae This was done
at the demand of Meinikov, the Secretary General of the Ukrainian
Communist Party, who had complained that Markeviez and others
had been guilty of Nationalist deviationism, Several high offi¬
cialis have also been relieved in Charkov, Parnopol and other
towns. Second in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, were similar devia¬
tions were found in both Communist parties and in the Edueational
system, The discoveries were of such gravity that they were offi¬
cially disclosed in the press though without mentioning any
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