NEWS ER USS One of the most interesting facts about recent press~ reports about the USSR, was the obvious ignorahce in which the world press seems to live about a very important organization of the Communist political and Economic action. The organization of the Moscow Economic Conference passed almost without arousing attention. Still, back of this serious effort, lay the great work of one of the most important organizations of the USSR : the CAMP, This organization is the centralizing force of all Soviet sections in the economic and bussiness field. It has the widest ramifica= tions. Through its influence on the Soviet Economic Ministries, especially the Depatments of Foreign Trade, Camp is able to pro= vide tangible advantages to its friendse Though a secret organic zation, it can give commads of the Soviet Economy and it can fun= nel profitable Soviet exports into special channels. This position of regulating foreign trade is only the least important part of CAMP. It also is organizing at present the whole service of providing to Russia those scarce goods which are today on the American list of prohibited war-goods. Such things as certain chee micals, Zine, Tin ete. are purchased through the many ramifications of CAMP. Because through the very great material benefits it can distribute to bussin ess houses, CAMP has been able to orga= nize its most important part : its Secret network of banks, Insurance Companies and Industries as well as Export-Import Bussis ness in the free countries, They do not organize houses of their owne CAMP works only through already existing houses of good re= pute, houses which are headed by people who are not officially affiliated with Communism or the USSR. This chain of CAMP is also one of the most important avenues of Soviet Propagandae A few months ago, we reported how certain slogems worked out on the Kremlin suddenly popped up in Frankfurt, New York, London and Bombay on the very same day. And that they were repeated by the most inportant bussiness leaders in the places, It has now been discovered that the avenue for this propaganda was CAMP. As we could lear the world-wide network of CAMP intludes over 2000 different firms in all parts of the globes Naturally its most important outlets are in Europe and in South Bast Asia, but fims follow also in the Near East, especially Isfael, in Tengiers, and even in the United States, where the number of bussiness 13