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X.A.14. June 528
- page four ¬

adminaétration. All its officials, down to the smallest parish priest,
eventually depend from the Patriarch of Moscow and the system of reguaar
reports and continuous controls works efficiently. Since any educational

and youth activity is forbidden, the Church is not fbr the future generation,
but exists exclusively for the use of those who have still been raised and
taught in a time of faith. It calms their consé@ences, satisfies their
spiritual needs and leads them towards acceptance of a Soviet ordere ¬

The seeond aim placed before official Orthodoxy is the attraction and
absorption of all other existing Churches. This has been carried out already
as far as Orthodoxs, Greck-Catholics and smaller sects are concerned, both

in the Soviet Union and in satellite States. For the other Churches -except
Roman Catholics - the decisive first manifestation has occured a month ago.

At the "invitation" of Patriarch Alexei and under his presidency, a Church
conference for all the Soviet Union was called together in Moscowe Kepresen=
tatives of 27 confession gathered for the meetings. They were Orthodoxs,
Moslems of the puppet Mohammedan group establashed by the Soviets, Buddhists,
Jews etc, The conference ended with a common declaration. 1t was an appeal to
all people and religions: Moslems and Budahists were adiressed with sympathy
and encouragement insofar as they are still "suffering under imperialistic
domination"; Christians were called upon to fight against their blood-thtirsty
governments; Jews received an aamonition for "not supporting the cause of
freedom in all countries}? ... interesting differences of language, well in
tune with general Soviet policies. this appeal was of. course a long
alignement of protests against the hatred spread at the outside against the
Soviet Union, a declaration of praise and loyalty towards the Soviet tegime
and condemmation of its enemies. 1t was not so much the words of that appeal,
dictated by the Kremlin, that mattered than the fact that such Oecumenic
Council had been called together and that therefore the ieadership of Fatriard
Alexei was officially recognized by the other Vhumchese - |
Once all religions united under a unique Moscow administration and the older
generation having disappeared, will follow - in the plans of Moscow - the fini
final aim of the Alexei Church, that of iss gradual self-liquidation in

favor of the new Soviet world religion without God.