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But since early dyne another name is mentioned in the
innermost circles of the Republican Party. The name has not yet
leaked out into the press at this writing. It i the one of
44 year old Senator William F,. Knowland of California. Knowland
has just achieved a unique political feat of the greatest im¬
portance, He was nominated - a thing unheard of before - in the
California primaries, as Candidate of both the Republican and
the Democratic Party, with astounding pluralities, He carried
the Democratic nomination with more than 300.000 votes, and the
Republican with more than a million, He outdistanced everybody
in the most unexpected fashion, His vote-getting power is there~
fore simply sensational. A big, heavy, good natured man, Know¬
land has been in the U,.S.Sgnate since a few years, He is the
publisher of the main paper in Oakland, Calife which he inhe- |
rited from his father, He is wealthy, has a good family life,

A good speaker, a man of principles, associated witb great reli¬
gious movements, Knowland has always taken extremely férm stands
on every issue regardless of their political implications 3 he

is also appreciated for his firm and almost over-scrupuious
integrity. In domestic affairs he is a staunxh conservative,
close to Tafts views¢ In foreign affairs he is a happy blend of
the Eisenhower and McArthur views. A true intermmationalist, he
nevertheless was critical of over-spending, and was one of the
best friends of Chinain Congress, Somehow it seems as if he woujd
strike the happy medium between Asua and Burope. Since the begin¬
ning of his political carreer he was a firm opponent of Comm-~
nisme His war=record is goode Having not taken sides between the
two great men contending for the Ptesidency, he might be the link
between both forces. And even if he should not get the Presidency,
he is a great Vice-Presidential possibility. His greatest draw¬
back is that he is not to well knowm in the Middle West, But in
the times of Television this can be solved soon,

Concerning the Republican Convention it is worth noting
that its control lies with the Taft forces, The appountment of _
McArthir to be a keynoter is a great Taft victory, And this con¬
trol is even more important, since it will give the Taft forces
a chance to geat Delegations favourable to them. This comes from
the fact, that in the Southern States, notably in Texas, the
State Conventions split in two, two slates being nominated, one
for Taft, one for Eisenhower, The National Convention will hence
decide, which slate of Delegates it will seat. This observer
feels, that while the Eisenhower Delegates certainly correspond
to the feeling and will of the Republicans in these states, the
Taft slates have a greater hope to be seated and hence of giving