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BH re,


Yee ¢ ; 4 Társ
tn Sap s sie Le etn ae ye 1
eo he es 3 ee jé. ey e ző 98 a
a tig ahs $a : ee .

t ORS bes ; Cu re ,

The most Interesting point in tis domestic picture a

of Spain is the rem ei gl" quostion. It should be 4
¥ is

elearly understood that Frahes himself is one of the most a»
ardent Monarchists. of Spain, and that he always felt very :
strongly, and continues to feel 80, that his régime would
not be a success unless it ended with the establishment of _
Monarchy in the country. It had been one of the sás"
aims of his policies to create favourable conditions for
the building up of the only régime which it is his opinion
can secure stability to Spain. Tis view is shared by
almost all the Cabinet members, and more especially by the
Young Progressive Catholic group, whose power and ascendancy

ds" yee st

trends would be the Falangists, but their power has vanished
to a large degree, and furthermore, so great is Franco's ae: |
prestige with the Falangists that once he will issue the . 3
order, all the Falangists would follow him, On the other
hand, the difficulties on the road to Monarchy are enormous.
Anda these difficulties are created, unfortunately, by

Don Juan and his followers, who continue a policy of blind ú
hatred and espest tian to Franses, and try by all means to sit §
support left-wing movements in Spain, It is, indeed, an

almost grotesque situation to see today the official leagers

of Spanish Monarchism, and their Pretender, allied with 2 eS a
Socialists and similar groups against a régime which so’
obviously tries to establish the Monarchy in the country.

their views, and as Don Juan knows little about Spay: and a
has not the feel of the country, he continues in a poliey *


which finally cen bring tragedy to his country. 2 ‘ae — b
In view of this, it looks very mich as if now Don Juan rr ’

hag been definitely shelved in the minds of the leaders of :

the ‘Government, who have given up the hope to get hin to

more realistic views. - Meir hopes: are now concentrated on

Don Juan's fourteen-year-old pt whom they hope to get to >

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