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rising, still younger, men, the will make a great. career.
One is Minister of Education Ruiz Jimenez, former Spanish

good speaker, and a man who, despite his youth, has made —
a spectacular career already, He is liked by both Franco
and Artajo. Another man to be closely watched is Senor
Sanchez Bela. He is at the present time President of the
Instituto de Hispanidad, a para-Governmental organisation
which is generally given to young men likely tb make a big

a relatively short time. ei ís one of the more brilliant
young men, of broad international outlook, and of a very

thorough international education. . His Social views, like
those of the whole group, are progressíve, and as their

of large estates in Southern Spain.

Another man to be closely watched is also a young new
Cabinet member, Senor Carrero Blanco. He is a Navy man,
a technician, but one who is purported to represent even
more closely the views of the General Staff than does the
Secretary of War, or the Secretary of Navy. He is today

and while he will never try to get too much of publicity

powers behind the throne. It is interesting to note that
Garrero Blanco refuses to be associated with any of the
stronger political trends, and that he tries very hard to

his position, that he creates both envy and worry in all

devoted to Franco, and that he will follow whatever trend
or tendency the Generalissimo will favour at one time or

another. eee, ie