OCR Output

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vation in agriculture will be suspended until the letter part

of the year, The reasé#n give is the securing of a successful
harvest and grain collection. Furthermore observers point out
that this measure is in line with other measures taken in the
religious field, all of which tend towards a pause in ‘the actions
which have to much upset public opinion,

While there are definite indications from Prague that the poli=
tical purges are far from ended, all news published and circula¬
ted abroad so far are for the least premature. Thus 411 combina-=
tions of a purge of Premier Antonin Zpotocky have proven to
be wrong. One will have to be very cautious in the future, though
it is clear that the purges are far from ended. ‘
The head of the Alexej Orthodox Church in Czecho-Slovakia, Jelevrej,
has just been made a Czech citizen, since he had been heitherto

a Russian. At the same time the new Church was declared independent
from Moscow, though still belonging to the Alexej Church, Tzis was
done in a ceremony presided over by Deputy Minister of the Interior
Spurny, and is considered by serious observer as a new step in
the attempt at increasing the power and prestige of the Orthodox
Church in CzechosSilovakias
Archbishop Matocha of Olomoue has surrendered to the pressure of
the regime and has accepted as his Vicar General, in exchange for
his liberation, the Priest Glogar, who is a Peace-Priest that is
to say a Communsr Collaborator, The appointment of Glogar means

he end of resistance against Communism on the higher Church le=
vels in Moraviae

Bishop Hlouch of Budweis, who refused to submit to Communist demands,
has been put into forced residence outside of his dioces@e

Te changes in the territorial limitations of the Catholic Diocese
end Vicariats as decided by the governement have been carried out.
These changes are not recognized by Rome.
Colonel Carsky of the Czechoslovak Intelligence Service has been
put into charge of a new department especially organized for the
purpose of using Czechs who pose as refugees from the Communist
regime for intelligence activities in foreign countries. —
courses will be held during the early part of the summer am ú
the heitherto existing contacts with those agents already outside
Czechoslovakia wili be re-organized,

mene : 3
It is now a proven fact that several small-size Soviet submarines
are being assembled in the port of Vlone, after their parts were
