OCR Output


As already indicated in earlier dispatches the Soviet
interest in Ethiopia has always been a very great ones Despite
the fact that Moscow has as yet not made Africa a center of its
more active policy and continues to consider the black continent
only of secondary importance, there was always ,major importance
shown to Ethiopia. Let us not forget, that the Thiopian studies
have always been very prominent at Lenin University.

The most recent indications nevertheless begin to show
that a shift in the Soviet policy might not be to far off. Recentjy
a member of the Soviet Legation in Addis Abbeba has told this
observer, that at present the Communist Party Membership in the
three areas togather of Sudan, Nigeria and the Ivory Coast had
just passed the one million mark. And he added that such a num¬
ber simply could no longer be overlooked,

Hence it will be important to focus attention increa=
singly on ali the activities emanating from the Soviet Legation
in Addis Abbebae This Legation is impressive indeed, and well
made in order to impress primitive minds. Its staff is as large
as the staffs in large world capitals. In fact the Soviet staffs
in Adéis Abbeba are as large as the one in Parise The buildings
of the Russian colony are impressive. And the Soviet Hospital,
with its staff of over 300 is a good show place for Soviet Medi¬
cal Science,

The most important feature nevertheless lies in, the fact
that the Soviet Legation not only has today the central evidence
office of all the Communist Parties in the whole dark continent,
but that it is also the very high command of the increasing drive
for Soviet disruption, Most of the Agents who now leave daily
Addis Abbeba for the most remote parts of Africa are disguised

as traders. As such they have relatively easy and inconspicuous
entry everywhere, And before their departure, they receive
intensive briefing both on intelligence work and on the way to
carry out their mission in the wild and remote areas - an operation,
it must be said again, which meets with rapifly rising success.
