OCR Output

XeAeSeMay 520
- page three =

identical acreage in submarginal areas, In other words, the collec¬
tive farms are gradually moving into the richest parts of the
country, while the individual farmers, crushed by taxes, will
be forced to live in the poor sections. Thus pra ctically the
advantages of the discontinuation of the collectivization.is eli¬
minated. j
On the other side of the ledger we find progressive
measures too, such as the liberation of the labour market and the
measures at reducing the scope of and the number of bureaucrats.
Especially the liberation of the labour market was considered in
the urban areas as a great step forwardand a real gain for the
followers of a more realistic lines

In other words : this month has shown the first inflica¬
tions of a rift in the regime. While it would be both premature
and exxagerated to speak as yet of a crisis that might be threa¬
tening, the observer will do well to note this very Clear cut op=
position in which Tito has not yet teken sides, And it will be
important for the Westem Powers to find out exactly which side
it is our interest to back. In this connection our observers are
emphaties: we can rely only on the Popovic - Vulmanoviec team, if
we can rely on anyone at all. And they further point out with
great strength that the final decision of who will previail
