OCR Output

X.A.5.May 526

was explained to the Americans as @ move towards separation of
Church and State - something Americans were bound to haile Soon
thereafter, late in April the corollary move came 3: ali public
subsidies to Church Schools or religious education were removed
under the pretext that the Chur hes were still hostile to the
regime, It was explained officially that this should not mean
the banning of religious education 3 it only meant that hence=¬
forth the Church schools would have to be kept up by the Churches
themselvese In reality this move means the end of all feligious
educatiob, since in a Communist economy like the one of Yugos¬
slavia no one has enough funds or moneys to help the Churches
and that consequently the impoverished Churches will have to give
up religious educational institutions = including the theologi¬
cal faculties at the universities - with the beginning of the
next scholar year, Thus in the subtle way the policies of reli¬
gious persecution are continued, but in a form in which the
Yugoslavs hope that the Americans would fail to grasp the real
sense of these movese

In the economic field on the other hand, there are in¬
creasing indications that an opposition of trends is opposing
the practical politicians with the Communist theoristse The
jatter are led by Boris Kidric and Djilas, while the former are
influenced by the thinking of Popovic and Vukmanoviece 1t is clear
today in every move, that these two tendencies are fighting for
supremacy, with no decisive advantage to any one side at the pre¬
sent tine. This also makes for the very great lack of Clarity in
the economic policy of the countrys 4

First it is interesting to note, that the theorists are
again stressing the idea of class struggle, an idea which was
. almost forgotten in the past years In recent publications and in
the speaches of party leaders, class struggle was revived under
the pretext, that evenCommunist bureaucrats are slowly veering
to bourgeois thought. And it is interesting to note, that in
-this case too, the most vitriolic attacks of the theorist group
are showing up by devious means, that the true enemy is inside .
the regimee

In the same sense two economic steps must be put 8
first of all the continuation of crushing taxes on the indivi¬
dual farmers, despite definite promises to the contrary. It is a
fact that especially in the more remote rural arcasy farmers are
still taxed beyond their income and hence put out of bussiness
and forced into collectives. Another step in the same sense, is
the new system of exchanging lands. Individual famers in rich
parts of the country are forced to exchange their lands for an