OCR Output

— page four =

this operation to comincide with an uprising in the country. Further¬
more large scale use of psychological warfare will help here and in
the North ¢ the Soviet operations will be made with at least a
week's advance publicity, so as to get the civilians on the roads

to hamper the Western defensive operations.

In this connection a very interesting pount came up at
the Moscow discussions : in case of an invasion of Europe, the long
lines of communications of the Red Forces will lie fairly well
open to possible partisan action. Such a partisan action, well led,
could considerably upset the plans, Everything therefore should be
done to diminish that danger, And for that purpose at was decided,
that everything should be done in order to come to an understanding
with religious forces, This is the reason why in the near future no
visible action shall be undertaken against religion - as already
announced in the sensation Horvath speach in Budapest. Furthermore
direct discussions between Moscow and the leading religions shall
be started by officious megns. For the Protestant Churches sueh
things as the Niemöller mission were the opening moves : others are
likemy to follows, But towards Rome too such moves will be made, and
are already under way. Qeveral Catholic officials of Satellite
countries have already approached lower échelons of the Papal Secre¬
taria di Stato telling there that the time for discussion with
Moscow has come, They pretend, that Moscow has understood from se¬
ven years of experience in the Satellite countries that it is impos¬
sible th liquidate religion and that therefore an agreement would
be desired. They also say, that with Stalin's death a possibility,
new forces like Malenkov would come to the fore, and that these are
not hostile to the Churches They even go so far as to hint, that
the Vatican could obtain the release of Prelats imprisoned by the
Communist regimes, if it started talks with Moscow. These ouvertures
are now under way : they are the direct result of the foreig policy
decisions recently made and are aimed solely at maintaining a |
quiet rear to Soviet Forces during the crucial three weeks of a
possible war in Europes Ome must count seriously with a continuation
of these efforts during the summer,

This then are the main lines of Soviet policies in the
near future. Their importance should not be underestimated, since
they are the pattern of the balance of this year. 8

The same source which gave us the above informations - and
it is a 1A source - has given us two more important informations t
1 / The Soviet Union has now develoved a new Radar detecting instru=¬
ment which covers an area of 1000 Kilometers. These instruments are
now established all around Russia and with their wide covering will
afford effective protection to the whole country in a short while.
